Every computer, laptop or any type of device that connects to the Internet is assigned a unique identification number, called an IP address. It is usually called an IP address, or just "IP". Computers or devices locate websites via their IP addresses or numbers. The Domain Name System (DNS) represents the web addresses on the IP address URLs that devices actually use to locate a website.
The DNS servers
The task of mapping IP address URLs (more technically called DNS query resolution) is performed by DNS servers. These various servers also exchange with other DNS servers in order to ensure that all DNS mapping URLs or mapping (data location representation) remain current. Click on this link for more information https://www.tipsyoumustknow.com/ .The DNS server configuration program or system is active on a voluntary basis, giving anyone with technical knowledge the opportunity to create their own account. However, due to lack of alternative the devices will have to send DNS queries to DNS servers managed by the Internet access network provider.
Why would you want to change your DNS server?
- For privacy. The DNS server automatically translates the URL of every website you visit into an IP address. This means that whoever runs the DNS server can always know which sites you have visited. This usually means your ISP.
- To defeat censorship. DNS theft (also known as DNS poisoning) is a quick and dirty way to censor access to the internet. All it takes is for the government of a country to order the country's ISPs not to resolve their DNS queries or to redirect them to a warning site. But this censorship can be easily circumvented by changing the DNS server that your computer, laptop or device uses to a server outside the country where the content is being monitored or censored.
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